Thursday, May 10, 2012


Matt. 14:14

“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”

When I think of Jesus coming to Earth, I often think of the pain it must have been for him to cram the Spirit being He is into a flesh-and-bone shell.  I think of how difficult it would be to deal with people who are finite in their knowledge and imagination, where He is infinite.  I think of the many who scorned and spat upon Him (and those who still do) when He did nothing to deserve it.

There was no reason to come here to us, in my mind, than to bring us to perfection.

But he loved and enjoyed us, even in our imperfect state.

Once again, I will draw on my experience as a mother.  Babies are imperfect.  They are completely reliant on their parents to feed them, clean them, and meet their every need.  And they whine about it.  There is no "thank you" uttered in the first year (and often well after that).  We don't take care of our children for the thanks we will get.  We do it because we love them.
Jesus is not waiting for a thank you.  He loves us unconditionally.  And He will always meet our needs.  He wants to do it because He loves us.  That, I think, is what compassion is.  Doing something with no motive but love.

In the story from which this verse is taken, Jesus had just been told about his cousin's beheading. Clearly, he was distraught (Matthew does not specifically say so, but I think so, since He needed time alone). When he came back, there were more than 5,000 people waiting for him.  He did not continue to dwell on what was bothering Him, but he drew himself into the needs of those at hand.  He did not see Himself, He saw the people. So, Jesus told the disciples not only could these people stay, but He was going to continue to care for them by feeding them (spiritually as well as nutritionally).  

It was just because of his love. He felt their pain.  And He was determined to love them through it.

I love his love.  Whenever I feel sad or alone, I usually don't want to talk about it.  How wonderful to serve a Savior who already knows.

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